Russian men do not value their health
The heroes are not us
Olga Neverova, Rossiyskaya Gazeta – Federal Issue No. 218-2012
How to increase the life expectancy of Russian men? This acute topic was discussed at the "round table" in the "RG" by the head of the cardiology department of the cardioclinic of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, Professor Denis Andreev, Head of the Urology department of the hospital N 119 FMBA, Candidate of Medical Sciences Rafael Biktimirov, Director of the Transgenbank Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Goldman, columnist of the "RG" Irina Krasnopolskaya, Vice-president of the National Health League Nikolai Kononov, Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian Society of Urologists, Professor Dmitry Pushkar, Deputy Director of the SSC of Coloproctology, Professor Sergey Frolov. The reason for the meeting was the book by the observer of "RG" Tatiana Bateneva "THE body of an active man".
Tatiana Bateneva: For many men, the topic of a healthy lifestyle is just an excuse for humor. How to make them take care of their health and live no less than women?
Dmitry Pushkar: This topic should come from the leaders of the state. In the United States, President Barack Obama declared September the month of the fight against prostate cancer. We have people in high positions talking about the economy, how to live, what kind of pension, etc., but not about health. The second point is actually medical. The analysis for prostate-specific antigens (PSA) is known to most Russians, although only 3 percent knew about it seven years ago. As a result, up to 60 percent of this type of cancer is now detected at an early stage. How to make men take care of their health? First of all, it depends on their desire to live fully...
Denis Andreev: Despite all the achievements of instrumental medicine, the main successes in the fight against cardiovascular diseases have been achieved by prevention, compliance with simple recommendations - movement, quitting smoking, alcohol, weight control, cholesterol levels, blood pressure. This has led to the fact that the incidence of strokes, heart attacks has decreased significantly.
Irina Krasnopolskaya: And Sir Churchill drank Armenian cognac all his life, smoked expensive cigars and lived to be 90 years old.
Denis Andreev: For any "positive" example, you can find the same positive example. I often see men who smoke at the age of 30, are obese and are being treated for myocardial infarction. Churchill's example only says that the body's resistance can be quite high in a particular person. But the fight against risk factors, which are carried out in developed countries, has led to tremendous results.
Irina Krasnopolskaya: How to get men to go to the doctor? Suggest a non-trivial move.
Denis Andreev: We haven't tried the trivial ones yet. When was the last time a major epidemiological survey of risk factors of the male population was conducted in our country? In the early 90s. It was studied what kind of Russian man he is – with different levels of income, education, how much he smokes, drinks, what is his cholesterol level? Health issues should be addressed not only to doctors, but to all those involved in politics, economics, and psychology...
Sergey Frolov: The number of rectal cancers is growing rapidly. The costs of treating each patient for the state are huge. Treatment of early stages of cancer costs about 100 thousand rubles, and the common one is approaching a million or more. How to detect cancer at the first stage? We need mandatory screening: if you don't pass the analysis on time, you won't get help with mandatory medical insurance. Many countries do this.
Tatiana Bateneva: Igor Lvovich Goldman is present here. He is a well-known geneticist, the creator of Russian transgenic goats, which produce the most valuable human protein in their milk. He started weightlifting at the age of 65. He became the world record holder among veterans.
Igor Goldman: There are two aspects to the problem under discussion. The first is state, the second is personal. The state is interested in people's health, so as not to spend money on their treatment later. There is a medical examination for this. That is, what you just need to do. But we don't. Why did I go to the gym at 65? I wanted to work. I chose the optimal system of classes. An elderly person cannot do exercises where "strain" is needed. I have developed a system that allows me to keep my blood pressure, it is 120 over 70, my pulse is 60-65 beats per minute. A few days ago I turned 79 years old, and I am fulfilling the norm of a master of sports for young people.
Nikolay Kononov: Today only 10-15 percent of the population is undergoing medical examination. Everyone needs to be screened, know their weight, blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels. I know a lot of people who have had serious health problems. And they, without spending a penny, became participants in the hiking program, which was proposed and conducted by Academician Leo Bokeria, and began to lead a healthy lifestyle.
By the way
People lack competent and understandable information, Rafael Biktimirov believes. A person is sick or just interested in his own health, he goes to the Internet, dials "stomach ache" – a huge amount of information is poured out from there, where to go, for what money to be treated, but no one will give serious advice. Information about health and its values should be presented to everyone from the very childhood.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru21.09.2012