10 February 2011

And you can't get off the oil pipe, and eat innovations

The government will consider two options for the country's development: innovative and energy-resource
UNOVAThe innovative scenario assumes that the state actively invests in key sectors of the economy, financing its development by maintaining a budget deficit of 2-3% of GDP and the growth of public debt to 30% of GDP, three times higher than the current level.

Spending on healthcare is increasing 1.5 times, on education – 1.3 times, and on science – more than twice. GDP is growing by an average of 4% per year, capital investments are quadrupling, real incomes of the population are 2.3 times, Vedomosti writes.

The energy resource scenario assumes that spending on key areas remains approximately at the current level and since 2015 the budget becomes balanced, but the economy is growing more slowly (by an average of 2.9%). In this case, the Prime Minister's task of zeroing the budget deficit by 2015 turns out to be incompatible with the president's goal of rearming the army, and we will have to abandon the annual increase in pensions.

Deputy Minister of Economic Development Andrey Klepach is confident that it is impossible to simultaneously ensure accelerated modernization of the economy and zero budget deficit.

The innovative version of the forecast is consistent with the concept of "Innovative Russia 2020": it outlines a set of necessary transformations in science, healthcare, education - that is, in the development of human capital that ensures the competitiveness of the economy.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru10.02.2011

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