20 July 2009

Cloned customs officers took up posts

In three customs administrations of South Korea, as well as at the country's largest international airport, Incheon, six dogs born as a result of cloning a Canadian Labrador retriever named Chaser have started performing their duties.

Seven puppies named Toppi (Tomorrow's Puppy – "The Puppy of tomorrow") they were born at the end of 2007 with the help of the cells of the best Korean search dog of the Canadian Labrador retriever breed named Chaser. In April 2008, South Korean customs officers began training seven puppies.

After a minor injury, one of the puppies was forced to interrupt his education, but the other six successfully completed a 16-month training course and became certified "sniffers" capable of finding drugs in passengers' luggage.

"During the training, these dogs have shown that they can detect drugs better than ordinary bloodhounds," said a customs officer at Incheon Airport, where three of the six bloodhounds were assigned to service. According to South Korean scientists, 90% of cloned puppies will meet the requirements for working at customs, while among ordinary puppies only less than 30% pass aptitude tests.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru according to the BBC20.07.2009

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