24 September 2013

Congress of Cardiologists

For three days, St. Petersburg will also become the capital of Russian cardiology

In St. Petersburg, Russian cardiologists will discuss the latest approaches in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and the problems of creating new drugs using nanotechnology. According to the correspondent of IA REGNUM, the Russian National Congress of Cardiologists will be held here, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Russian Cardiological Society, established in 1963 in Leningrad.

Evgeny Shlyakhto, President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, academician, director of the Almazov Federal Center for Heart, Blood and Endocrinology, told reporters that the congress will discuss such new areas as cellular technologies based on the achievements of molecular biology and genetics – the creation of new vessels, tissue regeneration after myocardial infarction, cellular diagnostics using biomarkers.

"Russia does not yet have a legislative framework for the widespread use of cellular technologies, but it is scientific research that will be able to promote its appearance," Yevgeny Shlyakhto believes.

The search for new nanotechnological drugs will also be discussed, when the substance is delivered to the desired area with the help of nanoparticles, the problems of so-called personalized medicine, when approaches to pharmacotherapy are based on the peculiarities of the metabolism of enzymes and hormones of a particular patient.

The Russian National Congress of Cardiologists will be held on September 25-27 and will bring together about 5,000 specialists from Russia and other countries of the world.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru24.09.2013

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