20 January 2017

GM apples will be sold in the USA


Genetically modified apples have appeared on the shelves of supermarkets in the United States of America, which do not darken if they are cut. In addition, new GM fruits do not spoil from dents.

Modified apples, according to Capital Press, are the fruit of the work of genetic engineers of Okanagan Specialty Fruits. The trademark under which the fruits will be sold is “Arctic Apples".

It is reported that Arctic Apples" will be sold, including in packages with pre–cut pieces - so, according to the manufacturer, the convenience of eating them increases. A controversial decision, but we will not argue with professional marketers.


The American authorities allowed Okanagan Specialty Fruits to grow GM apples back in 2015, but the first harvest was obtained quite recently – in the fall of 2016.

The special properties of the modified fruits were achieved by "turning off" the genes encoding the synthesis of polyphenol oxidase, an enzyme responsible for the darkening of fruits. Evolution has created an oxidation mechanism, as a result of which apples darken, as a protective agent against insects that feed on apples.

Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru  20.01.2017

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