Micronutrients for the mind
Experiments conducted on gerbils (rodents) confirmed the old hypothesis that with the help of a certain diet you can get smarter. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has published the results of a series of experiments that showed that substances contained in various foods can enhance cognitive abilities.
Some gerbils were given portions of "biologically active additives" – substances necessary for the healthy functioning of brain membranes. Their diet included micronutrients such as choline (vitamin B4, which, among other things, improves metabolism in nervous tissue), uridine monophosphate (one of the nucleotides that make up RNA) and docosahexaenoic acid (an essential, i.e. not synthesized in the human body omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acid, necessary for normal functioning of almost all tissues of the human body). Other gerbils were content with the usual diet, relying on experimental rodents.
After a few weeks, the intellectual level of both groups of animals was tested. It turned out that the gerbils, who were on a "smart" diet, solved the proposed tasks faster (found their way through the maze faster) than their less happy counterparts. After that, the brains of gerbils were examined: the analysis showed that the representatives of the first group had a higher level of brain activity.
Based on this experience, the authors of the experiment made the assumption that in this way it is possible to improve the functioning of the human brain. A detailed description of the study will be published in the FASEB Journal.
Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on the materials of the Washington ProFile04.07.2008