26 February 2008

Play on the computer with the power of thought? Already this year and for only $299!

At the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, the Emotiv company presented a development called Emotiv EPOC. This device, resembling exotic headphones, is equipped with electrodes, with the help of which the signals accompanying the user's mental activity are read. The encephalogram is wirelessly sent to the PC, where it is used to control the gameplay.

It is claimed that Emotiv EPOC is able to identify more than 30 different user states, including emotional – enthusiasm, excitement, tension, frustration; mimic – smile, laugh, wink, frowned and raised eyebrows in surprise; and commands of motor activity, such as "push", "pull", "lift", "throw", "rotate" and others. A number of commands related to visual perception are available: for example, you can make game objects invisible with the power of thought.

Компании Emotiv Systems удалось создать первый игровой манипулятор, позволяющий управлять персонажами компьютерных игр, используя мысли и эмоции пользователяThus, according to Emotiv Systems, she managed to create the first gaming manipulator that allows you to control computer game characters using the user's thoughts and emotions. In addition, Emotiv EPOC has a built-in gyroscope, which makes it possible to control the cursor position or camera orientation using head movements.

The presented model is the final version of the development, which will be available to customers pretty soon. The device should appear on the Emotiv website and at some retail suppliers at the end of this year at the recommended price of $299. By the way, it is already possible to make a pre-order on the company's website.

The potential of Emotiv EPOC can extend far beyond computer games. Emotiv and IBM intend to explore the possibility of using the development in virtual reality, a technology that can find application in employee training or interaction systems and in other products aimed at corporate consumers.


Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru26.02.2008

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