13 September 2023

Standing on nails is becoming increasingly popular

Not everyone can dare to do such a practice. Why would you want to climb on a board pierced with nails - after all, it is elementary painful? And yet the new trend - regular standing on nails - is becoming more and more popular. And not only supporters of oriental practices, but also authoritative doctors of classical medicine confirm that this is a really powerful health-improving activity.

To begin with, I decided to try "spicy" myself. I managed to stand for about 10-15 seconds. Tears did not spurt from my eyes, but it was very painful. But when I got off the needles, my mood immediately improved. My feet warmed up, a pleasant sensation of warmth lasted for a long time.

So what is useful in nailing? How to do it correctly? These questions were answered by the head of the Gecht Neurological Center on the basis of the Central Clinical Hospital of Russian Railways-Medicine, honored doctor of Russia Dina Merkulova.

"The roots of this unusual technique go back to the ancient Indian epic about a hero named Bhishma. In one of the battles, his body was pierced by many arrows, on which he fell and remained lying as if on a bed. And survived. Indian yogis replaced the arrows with nails and made it part of spiritual practices," Prof. Merkulova said.

Reflexologists say that the projection of the body is located on our feet. The organs of the chest are connected with the upper part of the foot, so it is believed that massage of this part of the foot is useful for lung and heart diseases. Impact on the big toe can improve the work of the brain as a whole, pituitary and thyroid gland. Stimulation of the entire foot affects virtually all systems and organs, including the immune and hormonal systems.

True, repeated studies have not recorded changes in laboratory, radiologic, ultrasound parameters in people who stood on nails, although the sensations experienced by participants in the experiments were literally sharp and interesting.

"The explanation here is physiological. When you stand on nails, the body releases internal opiates - happy, pain-relieving hormones - in response to pain. They dampen painful stress, giving a powerful emotional boost. This is especially useful if a person feels apathy, lack of energy and lack of creative energy. And also nailing in the morning produces an invigorating effect, and in the evening - a great relaxing effect," says Dr. Merkulova.

Thus, nailing does not cure diseases, but it can lift your mood and reduce stress levels.
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