29 October 2008

The heyday age is 39?

The reaction rate in men begins to decrease from the age of 39. The most obvious explanation for this process is a reduction in the volume of myelin. This conclusion was reached by a group of scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles under the guidance of psychiatrist George Bartzokis. The results of the study are published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging.

Myelin is a kind of membrane consisting of a lipid bilayer and associated proteins, and acts as an insulator for axons - long processes of nerve cells.
The researchers conducted an experiment involving 72 male volunteers aged 23 to 80 years. They were alternately asked to tap the horizontal surface with their index finger as many times as possible in 10 seconds. Then the amount of myelin in the brain was measured in each of them. The results coincided: the reaction rate began to fall along with the volume of the natural insulator of the nerve fiber after 39 years. "It is quite possible that this is why the strongest athletes and people move slower with age than in their youth," said Bartsokis.

It is known that the amount of myelin in the brain reaches its "peak" when a person approaches middle age. Bartzokis is a proponent of the theory of the relationship of this process with the deterioration of the reaction of men. The researchers believe that further experiments in this area will help to find a way to slow down the natural aging process of the human brain.

Portal "Eternal youth" www.vechnayamolodost.ru based on med2 materials

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