The third Nobel Prize in Skolkovo
Viktor Vekselberg: the Skolkovo team has been replenished with the third Nobel laureate
i-GorodThe Advisory Scientific Council of the Skolkovo Foundation has been replenished with the third Nobel Laureate.
He became a French chemist, the founder of supramolecular chemistry Jean-Marie Lehn (Jean-Marie Lehn).
This was announced by the President of the Foundation Viktor Vekselberg at the French Ministry of Education and Science at a meeting with scientists and organizers of modern science in France and in Europe.
The main directions of the scientist's research are organic synthesis and chemistry of complex compounds. In 1987, Jean-Marie Lehn received the Nobel Prize "for the development and application of molecules with structurally specific interactions with high selectivity" (together with C. J. Pedersen and D. J. Kram).
For several years Jean-Marie Lehn worked as a visiting professor at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, the Universities of Cambridge, Barcelona and Frankfurt. Since 1979, Professor at the Collège de France, member of the Supreme Council for Science and Technology of France. The researcher was awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society (1997) and other awards.
Recall that on March 1, meetings of the heads of clusters of the Skolkovo Foundation with colleagues from the high-tech technoparks of Grenoble took place.
Today, on March 2, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov will visit Paris. The agenda of the visit includes meetings with scientists at the French Ministry of Education and Science and with entrepreneurs at MEDEF, during which issues of joint work at the Skolkovo Innovation Center will be discussed.
Portal "Eternal youth" http://vechnayamolodost.ru02.03.2011