14 November 2023

Doctors gave the woman her sight back without surgery

A 45-year-old woman complained to the Balashikha hospital about rapid loss of vision as a result of a household injury, the press service of the regional Ministry of Health reported. She did not turn to the doctors in time, and at the time of treatment the patient had total blurring of the entire surface of the cornea. She saw the surrounding objects as if through fogged glass.

"In the non-surgical treatment of dry keratitis, we performed PRP-therapy - an innovative technique of restoring damaged tissues with the help of plasma from the patient's own blood," said Alexander Serputko, an attending ophthalmic surgeon at Branch #2. - The main treatment included daily injection of plasma under the eye mucosa for 2 courses of 11 days each. We also additionally used therapeutic laser and drops of different action".

The effect came after the fifth treatment. After the first course of treatment her vision was restored by 90%, becoming 10 times better. Now the patient is preparing for the next course of plasma therapy.

Balashinsk ophthalmologists reminded possible patients that in case of eye injuries it is necessary to immediately contact a doctor, and not to self-medicate. The more so that medical care, including plasma therapy, is available free of charge under the OMC policy.
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