Technologists have found a way to make chocolate healthier
Swiss researchers and chocolate makers have developed a recipe that makes the dessert healthier for you
29.05.2024Swiss researchers and chocolate makers have developed a recipe that makes the dessert healthier for you
29.05.2024Immunologists from China have discovered that a therapy that has been successfully used to fight cancer is also effective for allergic bronchial asthma
28.05.2024Mice that ran in the wheel formed new nerve cells and rearranged neural circuits in the hippocampus, the area of the brain involved in forming memories
21.05.2024Aerobic exercise has a positive effect on blood pressure only in the evening, physiologists from Brazil and the US have found
20.05.2024Most of this increase will come from increases in life expectancy in regions with relatively low life expectancy (such as sub-Saharan Africa)
17.05.2024It is believed that one of the main functions of sleep is to actively cleanse the brain of metabolites and toxins
15.05.2024An international team of scientists has concluded that, contrary to popular belief, extreme physical exertion can have a healing effect on the body
14.05.2024Scientists have looked at the various effects of a single exposure to ethanol at the molecular, cellular and behavioural levels
13.05.2024People who do yoga at least once a week have lower blood pressure readings on average than the rest of us
09.05.2024A systematic review and meta-analysis by British scientists found that relaxation interventions (music, meditation, mindfulness) and guided relaxation in the mother were associated with increased breast milk production
08.05.2024Researchers from Canada and Switzerland have found that frying in a lighted room also produces singlet oxygen, which contributes to diabetes, cancer and heart disease
08.05.2024Turkish scientists conducted an observational cross-sectional study and concluded that consumption of large amounts of glycation end products is associated with increased risk of depression and decreased sleep quality in young adults
02.05.2024A balanced diet, absence of bad habits, physical activity and other components of a healthy lifestyle can compensate for the influence of genes that shorten its duration
01.05.2024Researchers from China and Brazil compared the brain's response to sweeteners and identified the most "compatible" with it
30.04.2024A study by US researchers has found that starting antihypertensive drugs is associated with an increased risk of fractures and falls in seniors in nursing homes
29.04.2024The authors of a new study have identified three factors responsible for so-called alcoholic blackout, a common consequence of alcohol consumption where a person experiences memory lapses
26.04.2024Reducing cola consumption normalised the numbers
25.04.2024In a new study, a team of American and Canadian scientists looked at how reducing caloric intake affects human telomeres - a kind of "protective caps" at the ends of chromosomes that protect them from damage and "sticking" to other chromosomes
24.04.2024As a result, it was possible to compile a list of the most harmful foods in terms of PFAS and find out where it is healthier to eat - at home or in restaurants
23.04.2024A gastroenterologist has named the exact amount of fruit and vegetables a person needs per day to slow ageing and reduce cancer risks
22.04.2024You can write to the editor at:
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